2024 Annual AwardsAgent of the Year- Dillon Rosenhamer- INSURICAYoung Agent of the Year- Jacquelyn Bridges- Cherokee Strip Insurance AgencyCSR of the Year- Amber Warden- Dillingham InsuranceUnderwriter of the Year- Stacie Thomas- One General AgencyMarketing Representative of the Year- Nancy Lyons AgencyManagement Staff of the Year- Brandy AkbaranBrokerage of the Year- One General AgencyCompany of the Year- EMC Insurance
Underwriter of the year: Kyle Mathewson, CNA Insurance
Young Agent of the Year: Krista Kautz, Berrong Insurance Agency
Agency staff member of the year: Deidre Stone, Rich & Cartmill
marketing represenative of the year: Dana Johnson, Liberty Mutual Insurance
agent of the year: Clayton howell, Rich & Cartmill
Brokerage of the year: COMP Risk ManagmentCompany of the Year: Mid-continent group
Small Agency of the Year: VIP InsuranceMedium Agency of the Year: Berrong InsuranceLarge Agency of the Year: Dillingham Insurance
2023 BIGIOK Annual Conference

Underwriter of the year: Sydney Tran, CompSource Mutual Insurance CompanyYoung Agent of the Year: Tom Perrault, Rich & CartmillAgency staff member of the year: Margaret Ramos, INSURICAmarketing represenative of the year: Fred Barker, IPFSagent of the year: Gary Liles, Rich & CartmillEagle Award: Gerald Keeton, Cole, paine & carlin insurance agencyBrokerage of the year: One General AgencyCompany of the Year: CompSource Mutual Insurance CompanySmall Agency of the Year: Riggs & Associates GroupMedium Agency of the Year: Eci insuranceLarge Agency of the Year: Rich & Cartmill
Outstanding CISR of the Year - Susan LucasUnderwriter of the Year - Tammy LammAgency Staff Member of the Year - Krisat KautzMarketing Representative Award - Patrick MoranBrokerage Company of the Year - RT Specialty, LLC.Company of the Year - Travelers Insurance CompanyYoung Agent of the Year - Ryan SmithAgent of the Year - Avery Moore

Eagle of Excellence Award“The Eagle of Excellence" award was created in 1981 to establish a way to recognize very special members of Independent Insurance Agents of Oklahoma. It was determined that the person selected would be one whose dedication and effort had contributed in an exemplary manner to the cause of the independent insurance agents in the United States. Furthermore, “The Eagle of Excellence" award will be presented to an individual whose actions and words personify the charge of the Code of Ethics of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, Inc.
Beyond those set out above, there are no special criteria for eligibility and the award has no criteria that it be given annually. “The Eagle of Excellence" is recognition of individuals who have exhibited extraordinary efforts on behalf of the association. Eagle of Excellence Award Recipients1981 - Richard Teubner1982 - C. Courtney Wood1990 - Robert S. McKown1993 - Charles E. Simone1998 - James Ware2002 - Kent Carlin2008 - Bruce Magill2009 - Robert M. Bramlett, Jr.
2009 - Dan Ramsey2012 - Vaughn Graham2013 - Susan Titus2022 - Gerald Keeton